Friday, August 31, 2007
We Talk All Night Trying To Make It Right, Believe Me Shit Was Tight... It Was The Wrong Way!
So I have come to the conclusion that spell check makes you dumb
I can't even spell half the words I used to Just type something close and spell check will get it
An example of how technology is screwin y'all
yet another fine example is the price of gas..... It causes less people to buy new SUV's and v8 trucks in turn thousands of people in Canada will lose their jobs at the Auto plants, they won't be buying gas witch means the price will go up again.
Don't we have our own oil? Oil refinery's? Pipeline? Just sayin.....
I would vote for this guy as Prime minister besides the fact He know's his shit He's freakin Hilarious! Another thing he's got going for him is Stompin Tom is too old!
Have a good long weekend !!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Im Against Picketing But Don't Know How To Show It......

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Get In Shut Up And Hang ON!
Not much else going on other then the following random thoughts:
*need to pull $114 outa my ass and finish painting the trim soon like real soon
*need to give the liver a break from all the beer.....thanks from the liver in advance!
*Disposable razors suck real bad three swipes and it's all clogged up. Cheaper is better my ass!
*Might be quitting my gravy job soon ......they want to move me to the food and beverage department If that happens .....bon voyage!! They got great supervisors over there so great if I owned a Popsicle stand I would not let em run it!
*Went for $5 wings on Monday night to a different spot not my usual watering hole , the waitress is hot, the wings are hot so me being me says thank you in french .......she answers in french now I'm nervous cause my french is not so good so I duck, drink and run.
*was thinking about a creative writing class to take just for fun....anyone want to join me?
* I am looking forward to September for a few reasons.......Hiking, bbqing , Matthew good in concert I think it's gonna be a good month
*Often I worry about my house when I'm at work It's the hermit in me kickin in or the neighbourhood
* I want to move to or at least retire in rural Thunder Bay
*I can give good sound advise to anyone but
*I try to be the best wingman I can for my buddys but when I need one....nobody's around ......wanna go to the Hodder tonight?
* Anyone buy a tshirt yet? check the link it!
That's all for today.....I know it's lame but Do you believe they actually want me to do work while Im here at work ....bastards!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
All That Shimmers In This World Is Sure To Fade Away......

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Riverboat Gringo
like I said he was riding around cutting the barley Al and myself took care of fixing the machine when it broke the dam belt kept coming off , also emptying the hopper off the combine into the 1 tonne bag which was in the back of the truck. When the bag was full we brought it to the barn and unloaded it with the tractor. When he was cutting there is not much to do , We sat in the box of Al's truck ate sandwiches, drank barley soup, watched him go round the field and enjoyed the sunshine!
The very last of the barley was cut and the belt finally broke and when we got the combine back to the farm about a ten min drive it ran out of gas.......we emptied the hopper with buckets like the smurfs in a chain gang.....I was workin the hoe!
It was a long day got home at midnight, looking like a dirty Mexican with a smile on my face!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Lost To The Treasures That Compel Us......
Do you have any idea how long it's been since I got a 12+ yrs
Then I open face book and the girl I had a crush on for the better part of my life has added me as a friend I have not talked to her in 13yrs + for sure. Yup she's a MILF that does not live here.
So all in all twas a good day!
On a side note only successful applicants will be contacted about the girlfriend job Please no phone calls !
So it is 3am wed and My friend from outta town leaves my house cos I got to catch a 3hr nap before work He leaves and my other buddy is putting his shoes on I look there is someone walking up my driveway. Last Wed I had some people at my house and this girl borrowed a sweater unbeknowst(sp) to me I did not think she was gonna return it a week later at 3:18am
So my buddy takes off being the good wing man he is She's like Hi I brought your sweater its all washed .... I'm like cool but that's a little extreme being 3am but thanks! I gotta go to bed and she left.
Who does that?
Reminds me of the story on why people stand so close to people in elevators , Really it doesn't but it's definitely abnormal psychology
or hornology not sure....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Who Are You To Wave Your Finger....You Musta Been Outta Your Head!
Lately like the last month maybe month and a half, I have been kinda toning down the content I write on here in effort not to piss people off. Why I'm worried about pissing people off I'm not sure. The problem is I think it is starting to effect my creativity. A little known fact is that people that are artsy and have a more of a creative way of thinking are more likely to get or bring out bi polar disease they don't even know they had ..... weird eh could be the reason for the major daily change in moods. Don't ask why I know that I just do
Anyhow I may remove the advertising of the blog site address from places like face book and msn. Just go wide and type it as it comes or I may just continue to write in a creative toned down kinda way. Change the comments section so unanimous comments are no longer allowed
Some thoughts:
I think part of me wants to recruit people to blog hence the advertising and toned down content comments allowed
I think part of me wants to write a book about my strip joint career believe me that won't be toned down but on the other hand it has to be to sell.
I think I got to have a Porno Pizza before I die
I think I'm old enough to be her dad but all I want her to do is call me daddy!
I think were almost outta rope so click the links people and voice your thoughts!
I think my new favorite song is The Pot by Tool........fukin eh!
Rock On Wonton!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Players Only!

Monday, August 20, 2007
Don't Fuck The Princess.....Do The Maid!
So we get off the highway down this dirt road and she stops the car
We get out and start walking up this trail it's not marked If you did not know it was there you probably would drive by it. It was so well maintained it look like someone ran a lawn mower up and down it. Were walking along and there's a picture on the tree , then another tree and another picture all religious scenes then we get to this beautiful cherry red bench in the middle of the guessed it more pictures anyhow there are 13 pics in total Finally we get to the top of the trail and there is this tomb type thing made of rocks. inside there is a bunch of rosaries and a couple urns surrounded by flowers, another cherry bench with a engraved name on it , a statue of a woman holding a baby girl. There is a few homemade crosses around the area
I guess the story is a dude had a wife and a kid they were killed in a car crash , he in turn burried them up there, now people go there and pray for there loved ones. There is a large baggie full of pictures and obituary's I even saw one from Iowa. There were lots of film containers strung together with plastic chain In each container there was a name
This place is creepy but the view of lake superior is absolutely beautiful from there.
All in all the weekend was good, just thought I would share the weird things that happen to me!
For the record No Im not going back there......
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I Mean You Crush Me, Now You Know.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Champions Of Nothing!
Ohh hey Was kinda spacing out there for a minute .....what's up?
The above is an example of what's been happening alot lately! It's not from smoking too much pot rather, I Think it is from this voice in my head that says your spinning your wheels not really going anywhere Gold do something about it
I keep telling myself after summer is over We'll look into some options. I was supposed to pick up a shift at Centerfolds for some part time cash but The Aug 18 start date has been changed The weekend after I will be in Duluth for the Dragon boat festival so that's out Maybe after the summer. I also have my sister calling me every other day bugging me to move to Edmonton
The problem is I like my house here, there is alot of moneymakin potential off the house if I rented it. Although there is not to many people I trust from 2000 km away it's an idea.
These are the Things left to do (the cheap stuff)
Paint the bathroom green
another coat for the outside trim (fuck)
try on wedding clothes for the Friday Wedding
Things I wanna do but .......there is complications like money
Roof shingles
Sofit and fascia
fence for the one side of the house
On a separate note I had to fork out $10 because someone stole my parking pass (Cocksucker!)outta my jeep and I needed a new one. It is $2 a day otherwise if I was to pay everyday. Also I went grocery shopping and after I was done I came out to find a ripe granny smith apple sitting on my passenger seat.....that was weird So Apparently I traded my park pass for an apple???
Also The spidey sense has been acting up lately , so I tried to call someone about it and their cell phone was off........DAM!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Dancing with The Thorns Of My Buried Past

So that is my vacation in a nutshell Ya'all wondered why I didn't post for awhile well if a picture says a thousand words then I believe I'm all caught up!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Hey Midnight, Turn On Your Lights...Roll Out Your Stars, Roll Out Your Stars
So the song of the day is>>>>Metal Airplanes
On holidays after today, and today I woke up with the notion that I got 300+ friends on facebook but can't find anyone to go to Grand Beach with me.
Rather depressing
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You Still Make Lemonade Taste Like A Summer Day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I Guess words Are A MotherFucker....They Can Be Great!
