Due to recent events I'm Taking a staycation from blogging
Absolute last chance to make all your noise End of the song Means End Of The Show.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Matthew Good - Tripoli
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
She's Naked On The Phone
Someone in town here ordered a shitload of this stuff
I saw it on a purolator truck...nothing but xango boxes
I'm curious as to what it's like....then again I'm not
Hope ya liked the tractor pics care of Ms doodle
Secretly She thinks my tractors sexy
or she humors me... either way I'm a lucky guy!
I secretly want it to snow for 2 reasons
1- It's warm out
2 -I get to plow snow with the new tractor
I know what your thinking small things small minds blah blah blah
but it's fun!
Trying to build a birdhouse with the new chop saw
it turned into a bird mansion
it's almost done, just the roof to go
all in all woodworking is a new hobby for me
I'm not that good at it but seem to really enjoy it
I say this cause the time fly's when I'm in the shop
stay tuned for some pics
Gotta get some of my last years bills and receipts together
Gotta get my taxes done like yesterday
broke ass O broke ass
It sucks
I need a gigantic refund
witch at this point might get me out of the red
probably not.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Swimmin Through The Ashes Of Another Life
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Best To Smile

Imagine the possibilities, I mean you could start your own but what kinda fun is that?
Ate some winter strawberrys they were good and juicy
however not as tasty/juicy as summer strawberrys
just the same colour not flavour
Winter tomatoes are in the same boat
Today is the first day of spring
amen to that
Easter holidays 4 days off
Amen to that
I thought it was summer yesterday
I bbq'd and had beers after work
What is it about beer bbq and sunshine?
I can't wait for the real thing
Songs Im singing in my head right now include
>The Pot
>Enjoy The silence
>Prime time deliverance
>Here it goes again( coolest video seen in along time)
T-doodle shows me lots of neat stuff on you tube
So in turn I try to share .......Thanks T
Hope you all have a Happy Easter!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
She Has Trouble Acting Normal When She's Nervous

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Just Stare Into The Camera, Pretend Ya Got The Flu

you can't eat meat but you can come here and look at it

Monday, March 17, 2008
Soapbox House Of Cards And Glass So Don't Be Tossin Your Stones Around

Friday, March 14, 2008
Why did they write a song about it?
If you think acupuncture does not work
Why has it been around for hundreds of years?
Because jimmy cracked corn and acupuncture it works!!!!!!!
First time ever I had the needles in my neck yesterday
felt a little weird but it seemed to dull the pain later on
I actually can't wait to do it again.
Have a good weekend folks its sasperella time!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Save The drama For Your Mama

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Lashing Out At Machine Reving Tension
Today I had enough
Today I thought I need motivation to stay at Work
To reach the magic of ten years
This countdown runs till July 24 2010
Freedom is coming, Sanity is being lost
common freedom!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thank You For Not Discussing The Outside World.

Like this guy I am in serious need of a haircut
People still feel the need to let me know

In other news I finally got the lawn tractor all fabbed up
Special thanks to Gator Al and Da Mod Shop
I'm gonna post some pics soon You'll be jealous
Next project is to pull my snowmobile back to metro
Fix it cause like everything I own it's in need of repair
Good thing I'm fixin the winter stuff this close to summer
Ooooooooo Summer!
Mondays gonna be rough....
We lose an hour of sleep (don't forget the time change)
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
For years I thought
Philadelphia was spelled and pronounced
The TH sound instead of the PH sound
Well maybe not spelled that way but
definitely pronounced that way in my mind it was correct
Last night I was let in on this little secret
All because my Rangers beat the Flyers
So I decided from now on It is now known as
Like the cheesesteak
Dam Yankees!
good thing they know how to make sandwiches.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Bought A Ticket For A Runaway Train

Eating them like candy, it puts my mind in a place like this
In other news I been bad for not bringing a lunch last couple of days, We end up eating it all the night before because the cookery has been vivacious. So in turn Jolly ranchers are a good staple I Got the job.. I just have to pass a security check It's a evening gig so I will be home at a decent hour Yay For Me! I gotta go stock up on Jolly's for the afternoon......................Peace and Chicken grease!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hey Mr Chips
Who knew? Well in my awesomeness I clearly did.
Speaking of Awesome I had kimchi jjigae last night for supper
Ms Doodle made it with love It looked like this

Hot and spicy, tasty and sweet ate it all, tofu and meat today I had nothing left to eat
In other news I have a job interview today
wish me luck The future depends on it!