Thursday, August 28, 2008

By The Time I Saw Your Flame It Was Over For You and What's His Name

My two favorite days of the week are
Thursday and Friday
Thursday cause it's payday and Friday cause it's Friday!
Ms Doodle and I are gonna play on Friday Night
Tonight is a "work night" so I need to get psyched
last one this week then I'm off for a few
by that I mean 2 working days till Monday and it starts again
So I'm gonna lay it on the line..
Dear Someone up there
Could I please win a small lottery prize
so I could pay off my debts and actually do stuff I enjoy doin?
I'm not greedy Just enough to coast for a bit would be awesome

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Paddle

Sometimes a good thing turns around and bites you in the ass
The problem with that is the thing is still good
but the pain is still there!
My night job changed the hours I work
I like my night job but I don't like stayin up late
3 nights a week till 1 in the morning
specially when I work my day job in the am'
that's 6:30am every freakin weekday
Stuff around the house starts slippin
It's a good thing ms Doodle takes care of me
or I would be up shit creek
of course it is still possible.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Mind Doesn't Work So Bad, But I Am A Poor Exterminator

Thought I was dead? sorry to disappoint ya
Just got back from a little cross country wing ding
5 provinces and 2 states 2 hotel rooms
over 7oookm put on the tardis mobile
over 200 tent peg holes across the country
100% fun fun fun
I guess there comes a time when the party's over
I'm sad cause that time for me is now
Pictures to follow!