A Street in Hyehwa
The Hangang river is the major river that divides up Seoul. We were having some frosty beverages and enjoying the fireworks in the +36 degree heat. People buy fireworks in the 7-11 store along the river and fire em off toward the river.

A view of one of hundreds of bridges crossing the river....This one is pre fireworks and the view from the 7-11
First time I saw one of these!

Random statue of that dude from that movie, you know the one!

The two sides of the street and the surrounding area come alive at night with vendors selling everything under the sun! We took a stroll through last night and I bought flip flops for $10 bucks!

In between races before Ms D won the cash!

Outside the expensive but good Italian restaurant...again with the statues LOL

Me gettin artsy at the Wa Bar

And they're off

Outside the lounge at the horse track see the haze from the smokers there is 5 floors like this in total I'm guessing 30,000 people go to the races on any givin day

Itaewon "little America" I have a love hate relationship with this place. You can get everything you need there from America, like food or bigger size clothes, however it smells dirty and is pretty gross. It is over run by American military and migrate workers from every country you can think of. I had the pleasure of walking up "hooker hill" the other night, basically these trashy women have garage doors on 10x10 rooms and they stand out in front of em and try to reel in clients!

Women here have there own parking spots as indicated by pink lines. Why you ask??? well than they don't have to walk as far in they're high heels
.....yes I'm serious!
I was gonna pee on the floor to make my mark, but instead I wrote my name on the wall! Pub 210
Need I say more!
Here's a fun game, spot the spelling mistakes!

WTF is a young walleye pollac??

If your in the subway station and see Teri run by chances are there cooking these little beauty's close by!

I'm right at the front door where you get on. This is why I wish I drove again !

Here's a fun game, spot the spelling mistakes!

WTF is a young walleye pollac??

If your in the subway station and see Teri run by chances are there cooking these little beauty's close by!
Silk Work Larvae
Odds and Ends
Were going white water rafting this Saturday! I'm pretty excited about that, gonna try to get some pics but water and camera's don't go well together!
Were going white water rafting this Saturday! I'm pretty excited about that, gonna try to get some pics but water and camera's don't go well together!
I'm gonna try to send some Soju back to a few select people at home, not sure if it will make it and I'm not sure if said people will like me the next day!
Met a guy last night who told me lots of neat stuff about Shanghai, can't wait to go there in October!
Korean tv is very fun to watch, you thought our commercials were bad! ohhh ya and they play dirty movies at night!