Friday, December 28, 2007
There's A Light Out There Somewhere

Thursday, December 27, 2007
My Music At Work
A flippin fantastic time was had this Christmas break
till today (645 am today to be more specific)
We went to a seafood party( Thanks to Nova and family)
Also dubbed "The Turkey is for suckers" party
Met a few new people
I ate enough to feed a small village
Smoked Christmas hash
Drank beer till the wee hours
opened a present or two
I now own A pimpin pizza stone
(send pizza ideas here)
Was up at 10am boxing day feeling fine
weird you would think I would be hung
I guess the non stop gorging was a savior
or the hour drive back to metro
Did I mention all this fun stuff happened way way out in the bush?
I was feelin so fine when we got home
I made a five dollar shake on my nifty new milkshake maker
You wanna know what's in a five dollar shake?
Send me five bucks and I will tell you
fo sure the best five bucks you'll ever spend
trust me
Friday, December 21, 2007
Don't Go Swimming Past The Drop Off!

I'm not sure how much I will be blogging during the next week
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
When Were Together Even When Were Apart
sometimes I wonder if it works at all.
Sour Jolly ranchers are the way to go
good stimulation of the senses,
like a good dose of the Tragically Hip
it will do ya no wrong
no wrong
When I was younger I wanted to write songs
not sing em or play em just write em
It went nowhere kinda like this post
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Ants Marching
Got some stuff last night and with any luck today I will finish
I really don't get the Christmas thing
Society dictates that Christmas is all about shopping
I'm in it for the food, drink and company
Granted it's nice to get a gift but the hype is outta control
I know I said it was my favorite holiday,
still is but not for the shopping
I think the thoughtful homemade gifts are the nicest
like a picture made into a card or
an oven fresh turkey(not the ones I work with)
The look on someones face says it all
"Hey I baked you a Turkey instead of the Nintendo game you wanted"
Moving on to some sad news here
Tis a busy season/ time of year
Teribabes said she's gonna quit blogging
I think you should click this link and email her Kinda like an online petition
Put some wind in her sails,Let her know what a good job she does
and how sad you would be if it stopped.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Recycle Bin
Truth is I'm tired, lost my murse and don't feel like writing so
If your bored and have about 20min click here
It is quite interesting and OK for workplace viewing.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Long Distance

Turns out we had a tree stand tug of war and I lost
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The 33 second Package Man

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Flirting With Time

Monday, December 10, 2007
Super Soup, Cordless Drills and Sperm Scratchers
I bought a brand new Delta compound mitre saw......for free
coming my way in 3-4 weeks did I tell you it was free!
The shipping too all free!
A long awaited purchase
I love Air Miles!
I also have a feeling Ms doodle will have me doing some kinda house project
Anything to bust out the power tools
The Cordless drill BTW this could be the best invention in the world
The table saw and now the Chop saw.
Next house projects include putting a bathroom shelf up.
Put a door on the porch to close it off from the kitchen
That's warm on the feet
A door with a cat door cut out of it
should be interesting
not the most cosmetic but it's only for winter.
Otherwise in January when it's -40
my furnace will be workin OT
heating downtown PA
and that's NFG!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Golden Gaze
The usual "fucking work" rant comes out of my mouth every morning
The difference it's only half the rant it used to be,maybe it's cause I'm tired
or maybe it's cause I'm in a great mood
The house is in shambles....I don't care, I'm still smiling
It will be all organized and straightened before we know it
Gonna be a busy weekend.
I'll be in a great mood, you should be too
Cause that shit spreads all the way to Kalamazoo.
Have a good weekend!
ps- My poetry sucks
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Cold Cold Night
I went to shovel the end of the drive. The neighbour from across the street whom I never talked to in my life has a brand spankin new quad with a plow.
He plowed everybodys driveway around me
and stood in his driveway with his buddys quad running watching me shovel
Now I don't expect him to plow my driveway and I don't need his help but don't just fuckin stand there and watch me shovel the grader roll next to your pretty quad runner.
My lawn tractor project does not look like it's happening I need someone with
electrical systems for small motors training or experience
I have no idea on stuff like that, but I'm thinking positive.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Boys Of Summer
once in a while you gotta cowboy up....so I did this weekend
It went rather well
I even found a deal
I would not say I hate shopping
I would not say I hate shopping malls
for some odd reason I just don't go shopping
I like the grocery shopping more then shopping at the mall
It's been probably close to a year since I been to
Intercity mall lots has changed so the walk around was enjoyable
Other then that Get in, get what you need and get out
Atsa da way to do it!
On the way in I won a radio contest Friday , not the hundred bucks :(
but some other contest where you had to name the song when they
read you the lyrics. I did and won a bunch of stuff
gotta pick that up and clean the house for the arrival of
TPM and The Tardis
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rico Was A Short Man
Just got paid and I'm broke
Just got the rent for Dec it's
I think Christmas will be a tough go.
I'm Thinking it's time for another job as much
as I have been avoiding that little fact
It's right here in black and white
-$457 and payday was yesterday
At least the heat is paid and the lights will be on till Jan
fuck sakes.....anyhoo as you probably heard before
I don't mind my job but some of the people here drive me
freakin insane, not all the people some.
So because I'm trying to keep myself sane
I'm coming up with different email addresses
I might change to something along these lines
or DON'TGOPOSTAL @ Gmail.com
least in my head Im laughing
"Ya email me" would be my response to everything
There's 2 weeks outta the month where the place is
almost turkey free, then there's the other 2 weeks.
Who knew turkeys were a herding animal?
The plus is it's Friday and the Turkeys will be gone
starting on Monday for 2 weeks,
ohhh the things I look forward to.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Co-Habitation And The Gift Of Gab.
In my thoughts I'm starting to second guess it
Don't get me wrong It would be a fab gift to sprig on someone
In my procrastination (and waiting for payday)
I thought of another idea
It won't work by it's self, but a good part of a package for sure.
Guess it's time to cowboy up and hit the store
Where to start?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hey Pretty Baby Won't You Hold Me Tight, Im Loadin Up, Rollin Outta Here Tonight.
This is Pussy Galore reporting for Channel 7 Action News
Downtown Thunder Bay,
You might remember me from such movies as
Good Dog Bad Kitty or The not so Stray Cats.
I'm here with Dick LeGrande. Chief acting officer for the Metro Police.
So Dick.... What's the situation here?
Well Pussy, there seems to be some sort of bug.
Not your average bug, we're really not sure.
Well Dick where do you think this came from?
Like I said. We're not entirely sure, but some experts say it's a travel bug. All I can say at this time Pussy is the bug was originally planted in a set of fleece sheets.
Dick, Is it Contagious?
Is it Serious?
Ohh ya Pussy It spreads like wildfire,
or like you did at your old job
So what should I tell our viewers to look out for Dick?
Well once you been bitten there's no going back, so
we certainly want the public to be cautious of that, also
word on the streets is there is a hottie with Ontario plates
spreading the bug around, so if you see a hottie with Ontario plates.
Do the right thing and make sure you call the metro police.
Ask for me. Dick LeGrande
OK Dick. Thanks for the update and keep us posted.
This is Pussy Galore reporting for Action News
Channel 7.
Stay tuned for your local weather featuring
our very own Fast Sally but first our sports report
featuring Randy Bolt.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Denial Twist
Friday, November 23, 2007
See Me Ride Out Of The Sunset, On Your Colour TV Screen
Today's title came from a song
Let's play a game of name the artist
If your good guess what song it is?
Mawno tonight, Gonna pack with the wolves better learn how to howl.
No snowmachine yet but The mission is to drink beer tonight , shoot a deer tomorrow and
decide if the birthday gift Idea is a good one while I'm out in the fresh air.
Fresh air is good for the brain, I have come to that conclusion
here's why EVERY time I come back from the great outdoors
I feel like a new man
refreshed and relaxed.
I need that
at least 4 times a year.
A quarterly release
I missed the last hunting trip
so this is gonna be well worth the wait.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
She Was High On Intellectualism, Ive Never Been There But The Brochure Looks Nice

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
So She's Leaving
Teri google is up packed and heading to Ottawa today
She starts the Tardis (10 min early) and I start the Apocalypse
"So She's Leaving" is on the radio
good song, I chuckle
Lunches in hand , We leave in different directions
It's her last trip to Ottawa and back
Unfortunately It's not my last trip to work, fuk sakes Anyhoo
By lunches I mean Homemade pizza from last night
made with love.......or at least with cheese, alot of cheese.
We went for a midnight walk
choosing direction Kai by bo style
not sure if she was happy with the route but
it was a nice to stroll, watch the snow and breath the fresh air.
Going to mawno this weekend Can't wait!
Doin some Hollywood hunting
drinking and eating
It's gonna be good for the mental health
and maybe the freezer.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hollywood Nights
The hangover your so good at giving me
you wonder why your only around in winter
The alarm going off this morning was a reminder
that Dam tasty usually means no good for you
not an a weeknight
As usual the weekend flew by it was hard
to get up for work this morning
really hard, for a couple of reasons
so in protest I'm not gonna do much here today.
Contrary to popular belief
it's true you can hang clothes out on the line
even when it's -8
sure they freeze but eventually they dry
good smellin laundry it takes awhile but well worth it
Gonna put a clothes line up in the basement
just because I'm hoping the tenant will also use it, I cant wait
3 days when it's -40 for my laundry, less wear'n'tear on the dryer
and of course better on the hydro bill
A win win situation, twas the Tbirds Idea.
What's not a good idea is drunken trampolining
I'm gonna leave it at that.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Just something I heard.
I'm pretty quiet today, so this is gonna be short
no reason in particular
just thinking, hummin and hawin
waiting for the day to pass
thinking about last night
and how my biznitch was the shiznit.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Haven't Slept In Years
Took a long time but, I was determined
Had some tough competition
An expert and some on-lookers
But after an hour and some laughs
That Pahd Thai was history
Now I am Semi Pro
at chopstickery.
I stole that word
from an expert chopsticker
She's good at stuff like that
I'm not
till yesterday
now I can hold my own
Lookout world!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
32 Years Of Wisdom
Just Enough Essential Parts to get there
Smiling and Doin the "life review" during the 5 min drive and 2 min walk
I can say I'm Happy with the way things are and the way things are going for the first time in a longgggg time......weird but I like it
There's a few financial quirks to work out yet, some stuff that I know will be worked out in time
Timing is funny reason being during the 7 min skdash to work
I walked under a street lamp it was on, as I passed by it went out
This happens to me lots when I'm walking or driving
Usually the orange streetlamps like me best
I wonder if there's a reason like with body energy, voodoo, aura who knows
or it's my timing
nonetheless it happens lots.
perfect timing= what were all aiming for
Too early = Could be good or bad
Too Late= well too late
Also alot these days I been thinking about getting a passport
why .....who knows but I was told and I quote
"If you get a passport doors will open where there were no doors before."
For some reason it (that) has popped in my head quite often
When should I go and do that ........soon but Timing is everything.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Fun With Jalapeno's

Friday, November 9, 2007
Serious Useless Info

Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Fromage Beaver Dam

" Common down to Ipids and more on Teridoodle drive, buy 3 ipids and get a free roll of toilet paper...downloads not included " dododododododododaaa Ipids and more
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I Eat That Shit With Mustard
Beatrice of course
Just had a Monte Kristo
I eat that shit with mustard
and I spelled it wrong
Egg and mustard good together
Whew knew?
Little things today make me
win in my head
like the cool sharpie pen I stole
Baby steps and the way things are going
Just Seanable
I will leave you this
Retarded, funny
and you can eat that shit with mustard.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Lamby Joes And The Worry Wort
That being said ya'all should Email him and let him know
Like a petition, I think it would be great and trust me he has time.
Did you vote for Raymi yet?........Please do!
Are you not glad you showed up Now ya got some homework to do
cast a vote and send an email .....
Moving on here
Awoke before the sound of the alarm to the cell ringing
A sweet voice sounds better then any alarm clock
She's en route and almost here
I'm Happy and giddy.
Granted the recent time change was good for the extra sleep
my appetite has been severely messed cause of it tho
I'm freakin starving and it's 830am
I just want this day to go by fast
so far not so much.
I was thinking and looking not by choice
at train graffiti
as the cars rolled by I notice
some of it is really artsy and done well
So well it makes me wonder how much time was spent
doing it and how they got away doing it
midnight spray bomb????
Bonus...your art gets shown across the country
then you also get the shit morons spray
not so nice
sloppy and cheesy
kinda like my lunch.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Round Here

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Styrofoam Coffee Cups
someone stole my lighter......dam you Jason
so I'm gonna make this quick
you should go to the webblog awards site and vote for Raymi
Some Saskatchewan political blogger is currently winning and
Raymi should be so make sure you vote!
I think ms Doodle should be nominated next year.
3 more sleeps
Friday, November 2, 2007
Spittin From A Bridge
I have to go to the MTO today
see how much I owe for the renewal of
my permis de conduitre
or I might have to come to work
a la pied.
Wish Me luck........
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Pressure Points
I'm not saying it's juicy but He's new, he just started blogging and I added him
I think he's a good writer like I said he's new so if ya like give it a read.
Ya know when you ask someone for advise or an opinion and they just have no clue so they make up something they think is a funny answer. In turn it just irritates you more
Note to self...... Look at who your asking and Don't ask them again.
Maybe my fuse is short this morning but the one thing I do know the midnight crew needs to use there head for more then a hat rack
Today's day crew is not much better....so I think to myself What would Ms Doodle do?
Probably make fun of em in her head, have a Witty comment (they probably wouldn't get.)
Then go for a run to train for the tug of war competition.
I miss Ms Doodle!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Bongs, Blogs , Wheat Kings and Pretty Things!

Had another chainsmokin sausage party at my house last night
I mean it's OK cause there is not much a doing on a Tuesday night
It was comical anyhow We talked Jeeps Toyota's and cheap american vehicle prices
4inch lift's with 33inch tires
the Toyoltal package The Rubicon and of course The Boston whaler
Dreams and Guy talk I guess
you trepak'ed around my head popping in popping out
Roadtrippin in a brand spankin new jeep would be top notch
specially if I had someone to help me wave!
By the way....If you have to ask at what
you wouldn't understand.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Zodiac Shit

Monday, October 29, 2007
When The Bubble Bursts And The First Are Come For By The Last
It depends on the person and their likes
To me a good song can be listened to over and over
Like every morning I come to work and listen to a few favorites
including Cortez the killer
I blogged about that a year ago
you figure I would be sick of it by now
A good song will be stuck in your head from time to time
outta the blue, just pop in there
Next thing you know your whistling Sultans of swing
(which is up there on my all time favorites by the way)
I could not even dream to make a list of favorites
you would be reading for 8 hours
Just for giggles I'll give you ten in no particular order
-Sultans of swing
-Springtime in vienna
-Hootchie Cootchie man
-Prime time deliverance
-Cortez the killer
-Hey hey my my
-Grace too
-One piece at a time
- And justice for all
-Yellow Ledbetter
You don't get a prize for naming the artists sorry....
lot's of music styles but it all boils down to talent
So if it just pops in your head that's a good thing
If it stuck a chord with you in someway
that's talent or a good thing
I guess this theory could be applied to people as well
no matter
what there talent is
how much you talk/listen with them
if your still interested that's a good thing
If they just pop in your head
there's a reason for that
and you should listen.
Friday, October 26, 2007
My baby's New Amsterdam, If She Can't Do It No One Can
"never buy a car that was made on a Friday or a Monday"
Today I understand the theory.
Let's just say there's alot of water cooler talk goin on,
not much working and alot of spacing out.
Another late night with my buddy from outta town
Chillin around the two two six bullshit was flying, moose was on the plate and
beers were cold
Probably do the same tonight
Peeps I know want to go out tomorrow night, there a fun bunch
Being Halloween and I'm not much of a dresserupper
So I may join them, I may not
I'm sure my mind will be somewhere else
but i'll probably go for the hell of it
spooky eh!
Did you know when you look at your reflection in the window
your reflection is, or looks like it's about 20lbs heavier
why? Who knows
but I know I look buff
in my own mind.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Writers Bloc De Quebec
and you thought I forgot
Ask me to use it in a sentence and I'm fuck'd
Ask me to keep doin what I'm doin and I'm fine
Never heard the word till Monday Morning
sometimes I hide from things I don't know
like widgets
I know what a widget has to do with a can of Guinness
but on a computer?? Ya don't ask
OK Moving on here I got my physio/massage this am
what felt like15 min = $40
They make you take your shoes off when you enter
Most physio places are like that......Who Knew?
Neck is more sore after but doc says no pain no gain
Even in the wallet I say....
I got "the look" and booked two more appointments @ $40 EA
I get reimbursed $25 per visit from work but I have to pay up front
I wonder If that's a tax write-off?
On a side note while doing this post
I noticed Matthew Goods new CD has alot of "The Who"
sounding guitar in it
Know what I mean??
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Short Wave Radios
Had a good massage on the neck.....felt great till today
freekin sore today...Have to go back for 3-5 more sessions
Doc says that should do it.
Can't wait
Last night had a friend of mine over
I have not seen him in at least 10 years
It was a good visit, The ironic part He's from/lives in Vancouver
and we were drinking tasty BC brewed Kokanee Gold all the way
Ran outta beer so we went for......you guessed it
Chicken Wings and of course Beer.(we took a cab)
We talked about getting old, parents getting old,
good times, bad times, dogs,cats and touches of grey then
I gave him all my bar stool prophet skirt chasing advise for
I am a happy boy who has since retired.
"end scene"
Monday, October 22, 2007
Kick Ass Chocolate Milk On A Monday Afternoon!
For the girls it was about the music but more importantly
looking at the singers crotch
For me it was about the company and of course the music
As always It Sounded really good in the Auditorium.
Rest of the weekend was fan fricken tastic
It was so hard to come into work today
Ms Doodle and I saw the funniest thing on Sunday afternoon
There was a lady given'r rollerblading down the street and smoking a cigarette at the same time, I think she's training for the Olympics but we weren't sure.
Watch for her in the rollersmoking event Vancouver 2010.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
You Don't Make Friends With Salad
garlic coils too
been burpin it up all morning
so I ate more
Those won't go to waste
There dam tasty.
My friend who shot the moose taught his 4yr old son
That deer aren't called deer
Oh No There called "tasty deer"
He took the family out for a drive
His wife flipped when the boy said
"Look Mom Tasty deer"
The boy was pointing out the window
at Bambi
I think she wears the pants
and my friend is sleeping in the doghouse.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Your Mouth's Writing Cheques Your Body Can't Cash!
I mention it to Bob He Say's to me "Led Zeppelin sucks" I don't know if I should punch him in the face or catch myself falling off my chair. He goes on to tell me "everybody who likes Zeppelin is or was a stoner, It's stoner music Gold" Now I'm fuk'n pissed because to me stoner music is more like The Grateful dead or Jefferson airplane or Pink Floyd( Whom I also really like) Zeppelin is a rock and roll band not no candy ass incense and peppermints type shit. I say your new nickname Bob is "NO Clue Bob" or NCB for short. I take it a step further and well now were doin a survey here at work. So far I'm winning by 2
The Question-----Do You like Led Zeppelin? A---Yes , No or Maybe
The question part 2----Are you or were you a stoner? A-- Yes or No
Supporting examples are that EVERYONE knows who Led Zeppelin is and since they broke up 20+ years ago there still popular( according to NCB only with young stoners) So that in it's self says something. NCB could at least name 5 Zeppelin songs but I'm gonna get him a Brittany Spears CD for Christmas cause she does not do drugs right?
For the record I won the hundred bucks this 9am so I am going to the tribute concert
fo sure bitches!
was a sad time for the author
I put my dog down
It's hard to play god but for old age reasons
It had to be done
To this day
I miss my dog alot.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
He Drinks Tequila, She Talks dirty In Spanish
Maybe I could write a book of quotes that are actually bumper stickers, I'm not sure it would sell but it would be definitely entertaining........ Like on a mechanics car He could put
" I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look"
On a hippie van
"Think Fast Hippie"
On the Human resources office door
" You Can't spell Who Cares without HR"
OR for most cars of the people employed here
" It's hard to soar with the eagles....when you work with turkeys"
For the boys
" Gonna pack with the wolves better learn how to howl" - Danny at Mawno
The other idea is a book written of short stories that all make up one story. Like if you were on a cross Canada road trip and every chapter could be a part of the big story or a part of the trip.
it could be creepy or pulp fiction ish maybe call it "confessions of a skirt chaser" or "what goes on the road stay's on the road" actually both those titles suck but you get the point
realistically tho I would need a partner to help write, or at least proof read cause sometimes my English is not so good. Why this guy does not have a blog is beyond me>> K Hawk is like a walking dictionary , and due to the fact that spell check over the years has made me dumb your phone may be ringing soon. Don't you owe me a beer?
Three more days till Friday ! and let me tell ya what that's awesome.
Miss You!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Dancing Days
You know it's all right Just rounded the better part of the afternoon
3 more hours to go and I'm dreaming of being outside
I work in fluorescent light
my vitamin d must be down
OK maybe not but I feel like I'm running outta days
to soak up some sunshine
to breath crisp fall air
All the late night chicken wings and beer are catching up with me
I think I should listen to boulevard lake calling me to walk
before I get dinky-doo disease.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Famous Doodle
Friday, October 12, 2007
Silence Is Golden.....Duct Tape Is Silver
This is what I would rather be doing with my Friday..... I'm tryin!
Scored some Moose steaks last night from a friend, the butcher was over in his garage so I came by to watch the show. I think butchering is like a hidden trade This guy was good!! Apparently Paul's moose was his second moose of the day. He said a big moose like this takes about 6 hours to clean.
Here's a little known fact You'll never find bones in moose meat the bone and bone marrow does something to the taste of the meat when cooked. So if someone tells ya they had a moose Tbone there full of it or it tasted like shit!
Guess what's for supper........ Moose Sirloin and _______ Fuk'n eh!
I may fill in the blank with these little squash I bought but have no idea what/how to make em
Guess what..... I may get cable so I can watch the food network and make some funky stuff over the winter(note to self call cable company)
I just had an idea .......Moose Chili hmmmmm
Moving on here
Feeling alot like a school kid these days
Have not felt like that in years, it's great!
Alone and wide awake thinking thoughts doing circles
when I'm supposed to be sleeping
So I made a decision
I'm totally cool with
that I'm gonna go for
even if it takes four months.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Drive-In's Rained Out
So naturally plans get tweaked and changed
written and unwritten
According to my horoscope today something's in the works
It also said I was gonna run into money....so far it's bollocks
I do have a little something of my own in the works
How the horoscope people found out about it is beyond me
It's kinda Like Gordie says "It's been a long time running and it's well worth the wait!"
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fucking Or Fighting by 2AM
Totally his Idea Wish I could take credit for it
White t shirt big black letters
He Say's it's his motto
I say it's funny as hell!
Heard a old tune today
reminded me of a different time
It used to be my closing song before I retired
It was always a "pretty song for a pretty girl" kinda speech
Now there was no particular "pretty girl"
but for a old song the speech worked
Truth is I just liked it
Still do, If I could sing
I just might sing it
el kareoke
I felt bad yesterday
apologized today
something I should have
kept my mouth shut about(or my opinion)
Someone asked me for advice
I tore a strip off him
told him he would be STUPID to continue
twas my opinion with supporting examples
guess I thought I was helping
but I upset him
Afraid of change
Afraid of staying the same
Time to cowboy up
It's gonna be a cold winter.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Wanna Go Picnic Anyone?
Monday, October 8, 2007
Twisted Thoughts They Spin Round My Head....I'm Spinnin
Doin laps is for sissies except if your nuts or getting paid. The brain was working OT and I was walking in circles at work, I finished up all the "work" I had to do, lots of time for walkin. Over the weekend I was at the Great lakes aquarium in Duluth , gonna post some pics a little later, but at work today (lap 13) I was thinkin my visit to the GLA was the first time I felt like a kid again in a long time. Carefree and not "worrying" about day to day bullshit I loved it........Stay tuned for foto's Fell asleep last night a little cold, sad but smiling. Too Da Do Da Do Da Doooo
Friday, October 5, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!
The cell phone call I was very much enjoying
Tried to get back through
No dice.
Going to Duluth for the weekend On a jet plane.....
No just shittin however
He drives it like it's a jet plane
Too bad this one has Mazda written on the side.
I'll be thinking of you while dodging the deer and border guards
wish me luck
Ya'all enjoy yer weekend now ya hear!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Hey Hey What Can I Do?
This pissed me off Mainly because I missed his show.
Sorry I just had to get that out there.
I have a friend
He's a dog named Elvis
He bit his owner twice
He's a big Pitbull
He's a Good lookin dog
Just hyper and rowdy
Too bad He's gotta be put down.
The owner has kids
So I understand.
The sad part is , He is prohibited by the humane society
from giving Elvis Away.
Why Simply because of his age and breed
Not that I want a dog at this point in my life
I got different plans
I'm just sad for young Elvis and the situation.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
That's Rugged
I went to bed early so I wasn't tired....just cold I forgot how cold my room is
Lying there I started remembering all the good stuff that goes on this time of year
It's Pumpkin Pie season
It's spaghetti squash season
It's almost whiskey season
It's closer to my Birthday :(
That's depressing but
This year I know what I want.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Turkey Bingo
I been brushing up on my American, since I'm going to corporate America this weekend

Ya'all come back now ya hear
Candy bar not chocolate bar
It's A Tab not a Bill.
Can I get a Ceasar here?.....No Just Bloody Mary's ....yuk
Can I get a Whiskey and cola?
Blacktop= Highway or road
Moosehead beer is imported from Canada really?
Now add the Polish twist:
ya'allski come back now ya hearski
Cundy barski not chocolate barski
It's a tabski not a Billski
Can I get a Whiskey- ski and cola?
Ya'all get the point I think when I cross the border I'm gonna be the Polish American and then When were in the great Us of A.... I will just blend in with the lingo and people.
Truth is I would be going Hunting if I was not going to Duluth. All of it is a wicked great time.
**Sigh*** There is somewhere I would rather be but That's not gonna happen till Novemberishski.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Dirty Little Rockstar
Look at the menu and eat at home.....That's coming from me Mr skirt chaser you heard it here first.
Anyhow for those that are a little more flirty and frisky constantly getting in trouble
You should click here this could be for you.
Don't say I don't try to help!
Ps- I love the disclaimer!
Lesbian Music

Got through at 7am for the no BS contest by that I mean I got it to ring however it just kept ringing........no answer and no $100 maybe later today I will be lucky!
I need to win this week or I'm gonna be skinny
Collected the rent this AM well it was late last night however it is already gone
jeep parts and water bill = goodbye October rent cheque
I am going to Duluth this weekend kinda pumped It's been awhile not really a plan just going for the sake of going.
Sunday, September 30, 2007

This is where i get confused See the black thing on top next to the battery cable , with all the coloured wires goin to it. If I hook the battery up to that like it's supposed to go .....it wont stop turning over and sparking.Even without a key. Ya see I got about 15 different jobs around the house to do all the time That being said you could also say putski'ing never ends so when I got nothing to do.... I putski. Of course I want to get this lawn tractor going cause it has a monster snow blower attachment and winter is creepin in. sorry folks it's true. I sometimes think I'm losing my mind when I putski cause I'll start doing one job get distracted and start to do something else , just cause I'm in the basement....I get distracted and end up outside....all because i went to empty the garbage in the basement.
Is there not some kinda helpline I can call?
wait never mind the laundry's done........
Friday, September 28, 2007
Ride The Lightning

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Pillow Talk
yet again proving my theory on 7-8-9 am is the best time to call
of course I won at 11am last time, but I can't blame .
I invented a new colour, well when I say I
I mean she invented a new colour
It's called Dentist Green
It's now the colour of my bathroom
looks like a hospital scrub colour.
Why do people or should I say where do people
come up with names for colours?
Like have you ever heard of "Russian white"
WTF is that?
Truthfully tho
Russian white is a nice colour
kind of a pinky brown white
I'm all giddy like a school kid today
not sure if it's the paint fumes from last night
or my new found fortune.
Monday, September 24, 2007
My Inner Smile
Beauty day and I can say I love all the seasons for different reasons , however I like fall time the best. The fresh air and I strolled along got rained on by falling leaves and I noticed trees....trees I never noticed before. All the leaves were changing colour fiery red, bright yellow,crazy orange and greenish. I walked and watched a crow chase a crow round and around this huge bright yellow leaf tree.....Loud fuckers but entertaining. I saw alot of geese kickin it in the lake....shouldn't they be leaving soon? I was dodging the goose poop(cause its everywhere) when A squirrel came running up and across the path, took one look at me from two feet away and fucked right off....didn't think i was that scary but I said HI!
Saw three city worker trucks cruising the road , noticed there is glass all across the path its been there for 2 days now , some jackass broke the streetlamp with a rock......
they kept driving
hopefully they backtrack clean it up
and some dog does not cut his/her paws.
my friend If I had a broom
I would have cleaned it up.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Little More On Biggus dickus....

Monday, September 17, 2007
September Seventeen , For A Girl I know It's Mothers Day..
Actually Great day!
Things seem to be going as expected not like yesterday.....
I went to tighten the wheel bearing in the jeep cause it was so worn the wheel was gonna fall of at some point
went to tighten the nut that presses the bearings ......you can't tighten it....hmmmm
upon further discovery the whole wheel bearing and hub is in one piece.....3 bolts changes it all
Of course there's the $120 you have to spend on a new one
All in all a 15 minute job took 4 hours and 4 beer now the front end is solid
Another job well done!
I talked to the girl I had a major crush on for most of my childhood yesterday
The first time in 13+ years.
This was Also not expected but nice!
She's very successful and living in Calgary
She's still dam hot except now she's a MILF.....also not expected.
Then I thought of some choices I made in life
how things might have been different
If I moved to Calgary way back in the day
instead of working at a strip joint
instead of partying all the time
no regrets
but it makes me wonder.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Pretty Song For A Pretty Girl
Im having a serious craving for
a big tall glass glass of the choco
It has to be in a glass or the carton it comes in
something about a plastic cup just ruins the
chocolatey goodness.
I was at the walk in clinic sitting in the lobby
I remember thinking this place is kinda like mouthwash or shampoo
call the patient in, swish em around , give em some Advil, kick em out
rinse and repeat
Turns out my neck is just fine according to doc just gotta ice it, However Mr Gold if you want some Advil I can prescribe that , I'm like no thanks.......
It's been 2 weeks I think there is something more then Advil can fix
My luck of course I get to see the dude and not the cute nerdy doctor chick that was working
Then it hit me ........I need a massage for my neck or a cute nerdy doctor chick!
As y'all may know I won the cash last week on the radio , this week it seems dam near impossible to get through I tried every hour for 4 days now and I can't even get it to ring
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Honky Tonk Women
Thought about dedicating a good part of my day to radio contests but I have not won a goddam thing this week so that is also on the back burner.
I delivered a box and a bag to the admin office on the past Friday.....nobody can find it. I have had to answer to 15 people this morning as to where it is...yup just like Office space and the TPS reports.
2 pieces in the last 7 yrs missing I would say my record is quite impressive
The weird part is the 2 pieces were addressed to separate departments for the same promo and both are missing......
I wish I could disappear like that, gone without a trace!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
If I Had The Money Hunny Would Ya Love Me Love Me Love Me?

Sunday, September 9, 2007
You Would'nt Know
Saw two Blue Jays came home BBq'd sausages and test the nation is on.
It's question 34 and I'm lost
Did I mention goats stink?
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Cloudy Future Stings My Eyes , I Still Find Time For Excersise
So If I could call someone to take a note every time something flys through my brain,about every second beer....I would. I do my best thinking when walking and in the shower obviously it's not easy to take notes there. From time to time there has been some refer flying around the living room It contributes to alot of good ideas, however like I said I usually forget unless I write em down
yo skippy,It's Me, take a note
OK , when?
Now jackass
get your furnace checked before winter
I don't have a furnace
not you jackass ME I gotta get mine checked
ohhhh OK
cool thanks......bye
A few Minutes goes by.......yet another fantastic idea
Guess who
Take a note
I need to start future emails with "Dear Winnipeg" as the opening line
OK why
don't worry about it , I like typing
what else?
ahhh forget it I'll call ya back
Any Volunteers?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
She Sits Like A Bird On A Wire
Click this link to watch something you never watched before....
I tried to post it right on here but no luck .....Too Funny !
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
It's 11 oclock and Im One Hunderd Dollars Richer bitches!
Had an awesome weekend! Did a little fishing, lots of 4x4 ing to get to the lake it was a six beer ride, my poor jeep took a beating it now sounds like a Harley. Did what I wanted to do all year and that was to get drunk by a campfire......mission sucsessful! Came back to town feeling refreshed, calm and surprisingly not hungover. I'll post some pics later I had no time last night.
When I was there I did not want to leave, It also made me think I need to do more of this tenting and exploring......
I hate the dentist the dentist hates me cause im one of those squirmy patients Im glad I only go every 9 months yup 2 days till my turn in the chair......dreading that fuck!
Well I got to go get my cash so ya'all have a good day!
Friday, August 31, 2007
We Talk All Night Trying To Make It Right, Believe Me Shit Was Tight... It Was The Wrong Way!
So I have come to the conclusion that spell check makes you dumb
I can't even spell half the words I used to Just type something close and spell check will get it
An example of how technology is screwin y'all
yet another fine example is the price of gas..... It causes less people to buy new SUV's and v8 trucks in turn thousands of people in Canada will lose their jobs at the Auto plants, they won't be buying gas witch means the price will go up again.
Don't we have our own oil? Oil refinery's? Pipeline? Just sayin.....
I would vote for this guy as Prime minister besides the fact He know's his shit He's freakin Hilarious! Another thing he's got going for him is Stompin Tom is too old!
Have a good long weekend !!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Im Against Picketing But Don't Know How To Show It......

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Get In Shut Up And Hang ON!
Not much else going on other then the following random thoughts:
*need to pull $114 outa my ass and finish painting the trim soon like real soon
*need to give the liver a break from all the beer.....thanks from the liver in advance!
*Disposable razors suck real bad three swipes and it's all clogged up. Cheaper is better my ass!
*Might be quitting my gravy job soon ......they want to move me to the food and beverage department If that happens .....bon voyage!! They got great supervisors over there so great if I owned a Popsicle stand I would not let em run it!
*Went for $5 wings on Monday night to a different spot not my usual watering hole , the waitress is hot, the wings are hot so me being me says thank you in french .......she answers in french now I'm nervous cause my french is not so good so I duck, drink and run.
*was thinking about a creative writing class to take just for fun....anyone want to join me?
* I am looking forward to September for a few reasons.......Hiking, bbqing , Matthew good in concert I think it's gonna be a good month
*Often I worry about my house when I'm at work It's the hermit in me kickin in or the neighbourhood
* I want to move to or at least retire in rural Thunder Bay
*I can give good sound advise to anyone but myself....wtf?
*I try to be the best wingman I can for my buddys but when I need one....nobody's around ......wanna go to the Hodder tonight?
* Anyone buy a tshirt yet? check the link out.....do it!
That's all for today.....I know it's lame but Do you believe they actually want me to do work while Im here at work ....bastards!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
All That Shimmers In This World Is Sure To Fade Away......

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Riverboat Gringo
like I said he was riding around cutting the barley Al and myself took care of fixing the machine when it broke the dam belt kept coming off , also emptying the hopper off the combine into the 1 tonne bag which was in the back of the truck. When the bag was full we brought it to the barn and unloaded it with the tractor. When he was cutting there is not much to do , We sat in the box of Al's truck ate sandwiches, drank barley soup, watched him go round the field and enjoyed the sunshine!
The very last of the barley was cut and the belt finally broke and when we got the combine back to the farm about a ten min drive it ran out of gas.......we emptied the hopper with buckets like the smurfs in a chain gang.....I was workin the hoe!
It was a long day got home at midnight, looking like a dirty Mexican with a smile on my face!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Lost To The Treasures That Compel Us......
Do you have any idea how long it's been since I got a postcard......like 12+ yrs
Then I open face book and the girl I had a crush on for the better part of my life has added me as a friend I have not talked to her in 13yrs + for sure. Yup she's a MILF that does not live here.
So all in all twas a good day!
On a side note only successful applicants will be contacted about the girlfriend job Please no phone calls !
So it is 3am wed and My friend from outta town leaves my house cos I got to catch a 3hr nap before work He leaves and my other buddy is putting his shoes on I look there is someone walking up my driveway. Last Wed I had some people at my house and this girl borrowed a sweater unbeknowst(sp) to me I did not think she was gonna return it a week later at 3:18am
So my buddy takes off being the good wing man he is She's like Hi I brought your sweater its all washed .... I'm like cool but that's a little extreme being 3am but thanks! I gotta go to bed and she left.
Who does that?
Reminds me of the story on why people stand so close to people in elevators , Really it doesn't but it's definitely abnormal psychology
or hornology not sure....