Friday, September 7, 2007

The Cloudy Future Stings My Eyes , I Still Find Time For Excersise

So granted I'm a Mental genius I wish I could have some way to record the millions of fantastic ideas I have every night. By the time morning comes around I usually have forgotten
So If I could call someone to take a note every time something flys through my brain,about every second beer....I would. I do my best thinking when walking and in the shower obviously it's not easy to take notes there. From time to time there has been some refer flying around the living room It contributes to alot of good ideas, however like I said I usually forget unless I write em down




yo skippy,It's Me, take a note

OK , when?

Now jackass


get your furnace checked before winter

I don't have a furnace

not you jackass ME I gotta get mine checked

ohhhh OK

cool thanks......bye


A few Minutes goes by.......yet another fantastic idea




Guess who


Take a note


I need to start future emails with "Dear Winnipeg" as the opening line

OK why

don't worry about it , I like typing


what else?

ahhh forget it I'll call ya back



Any Volunteers?

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