Due to financial reasons and me losing badly at the poker table 2 nights in a row. The weekend was rather dull it got me thinking what to do when your broke.......
Well I did the dishes....
I updated the blogroll..I added This Guy Always a good read! I have another idea for the blog gonna try that soon...Hopefully going to make me some cash , cash , cash!
I went for a walk this afternoon, I went by the rink that is a few doors down ....thought to myself Why the fuck don't I own a pair of ice skates? Ice skating is free.....note to self get skates!

Gold said: "I hate dishes but its gotta be done till I get rich then I 'll just go out to eat or get a maid!"
Real talk: Gold would eat the maid...certain parts of her anyway.
“Mark and Arthur went to face on 2 speed the staff cafĂ© floor to get the floor more cleaner in look.”
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