It's much to nice to stay inside.........but that's where I have been for the last 3 days
Got myself a nasty flu bug , I guess my theory about spicy food has gone down the ......nevermind.
Now having a blog and being a blogger, It is pretty normal to write everyday but let me tell ya try to blog when your hopped up on daytime/nighttime flu meds and neo citran.The thought process was foggy to say the least . I came to work yesterday with full intentions to blog, but the day was flippin busy was home time before I knew it
My computer at home sucks ass so sometimes I wait to get to work.
Having alot of trouble with the paypal people too I can't get my account with them verified.I call them tell em whats going on .....we'll get back to you...then they send out an email that asks how was my customer service today please reply as soon as you can .....I told them I still am not verified and they said call this 402 number and we can help. I did that already this is fucked!

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