Monday, April 30, 2007
My Hovercraft Is Full Of Eels...............

Friday, April 27, 2007
Im A Sealer not A Whaler!

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wow Wee Girl!
So my hockey predictions went a little south last night ,but it was only game # 1 so lots o hockey left......
I drank da beers till 2 am so I is a tired boy today although it was a good idea at the time now Im paying for it......
I added a link to my Facebook page>>>>>>>
Ya'll can read that cause my brains on stand by!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Now That's Advertising!

So....How's it going? Good! Well check it out^^^^^^^^^ I found a new girl and she's flying my colours, let me rephrase I found this picture of a hot chick advertising my blog, wait let me rephrase again she likes Kool-Aid, ahhhhh I don't know but I think I should send her a link to my blog. What do you think?
I could bore you with my picks on the NHL playoffs but instead I will just give you the final verdict and what I would like to see>>>>>
VAN vs NY Rangers in the Final >>>>>>>>> NY WINNING of course!
Like it or not that is my prediction!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
It's Got A Tuesday kinda Feel

Well the TV works...With great relief it started to work yesterday when I got home from work.
Having a gift of gab I was chatting with a few honkeys about the workplace and I hear the steelhead are starting to run up the rivers, so hopefully tonight I will not be lazy and get my river fishing gear organized and get out to enjoy some of the best fishing going.
The last two days have been fuckin nuts around the workplace , It has taken me 3 hours to type this poor excuse for a post today!I may have to have a few beers tonight while organizing the fishing gear
Monday, April 23, 2007
It could Happen To You Cause It Happened To Me!

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Canadians do it Doggie style So we can both watch the hockey game.....

On a different note remember I ditched out on the girl I was seeing to go watch hockey a few days ago well as a result of that......I am currently taking applications for a new girlfriend, non hockey fans need not apply you'll be swept out just like Atlanta
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
It's My Blog and I'll Blog when I want to...........
That would be great .............mmmmmmmmk
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
On My Way Out .....Strange How Your Not With Me.
Monday, April 16, 2007
There Ain't no Blue Skies Over Bad Lands
I had a good weekend got lots done and managed to pull some cash from the poker table.
Not sure really but I'm mad at my home computer it just pisses me off every time I use it, so I have not logged in to MSN or poker stars or this blog for that matter I got a line on a newer laptop hopefully it will be mine soon.
Along time ago someone really pissed my off and stabbed me in the back today I feel like calling them out of the blue and simply just tell them to fuck off, but there is no point It would be fun tho.
To Call or not to Call that's today's question........
Friday, April 13, 2007
looking at you through the glass
Happy Friday the 13th !
looking at you through the glass
Happy Friday the 13th !
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Its A Bad Religion From a Broken Nation

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I Read My Horoscope and I Just Can't Pull It Off Alone.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
An Awkward Morning is better Then A Boring Night!
That's one bloggers opinion!
Gotta run......busy day
Thursday, April 5, 2007
She's in it for the money.....

Well I had a plan to burn the garage this weekend, but yesterday's windstorm took care of that. When I got home from work it had blown over So I ripped it apart and put it in the shed. Pissed off I go in the house roll a gagar and sit on the couch started thinking about how I wasted $250 on that stupid garage. This is fucked the TV starts going all crazy out of nowhere the volume is getting louder the channels are changing by themselves,It's turning ON and OFF and ON and OFF ... I think maybe I'm sitting on the remote .....no it's right beside me on the couch....maybe the dude across the street has a TV remote from hell and it could be interfering with mine? I changed the channel and bam like a possessed demon It goes back to channel 3 I try to fire up the PlayStation and bam back to channel 3..... I try to go to the menu to look for a fix and the menu screen is scrolling faster then your mom. A few clicks on the remote ... WTF now it is in Spanish, I can't read Spanish...but I learned I guess because with a few more clicks on the remote ,I now have all the menus in french .........tabernac!......So I don't know what happened but the TV now works , the buttons on the actual TV don't work , the remote only does one function every 3 minutes including volume and channel changing.
I did a little CSI this morning, I think some water dripped down the front of the TV when I watered my Bonsai tree...... thus causing all the grief. I will turn the TV on today and see what happens ...........more drama?
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
She used to be pretty , now she's just pretty fucked up......

Last summer I bought a carport similar to the one in the picture from one of those "tool sales" where everything is cheap, cheap, cheap. Well let me tell you I would have rather spent $250 on a bucket of shit to put in my driveway! The thing is literally falling apart, the tarp is ripping off the frame, the posts are coming apart and now the walls are barely hanging on. I originally bought it for the summer to keep the rain from filling up my jeep. As an Easter gift to me I am going to get drunk on Friday night and light it on fire in my driveway......Atsa "Good Friday"
Burn Baby Burn!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
She said Seanie baby I think I know just what you mean....

Monday, April 2, 2007
She said I dig ya baby, but I got to keep movin....on