Monday, April 23, 2007

It could Happen To You Cause It Happened To Me!

So Water and electronics go together like me and my ex.

I watered my bonsai yesterday afternoon and by the time I noticed water was drippin down the front of the TV. Same thing happened as before with the channels and volume going all crazy, One slight difference tho I turned it off and now it wont turn back on. I unplugged it before I went to work today so the house does not burn down in c, I hope it works when I get home otherwise I will be looking for a new TV to buy with money I don't have. I thought it was bad just having 2 and 4 but when your TV don't work at all(no DVDS, no PlayStation) It really sucks!

Other then that was a very good/productive weekend
I got one and a half applications so far for a new girlfriend..........I guess we'll have to watch a movie at her house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! That sucks about the TV. You can have my old TV if you want.. its just a 14 inch comes with rabbit