SO my neighbours think
im fried, you
probably do too but from a neighbours point of view this is how I roll. Was outside with my trusty weed eater trimming the hedges yup it works way better then the electric hedge trimmer for two reasons one the trimmer it takes a long time and two I always end up cutting the fucking cord. The weed
whacker requires a little more finesse because of branches flying everywhere and
neighbours lookin out
their windows from across the street. Wear sunglasses and seriously
I recommended using the weed eater.
On a
separate note for all you dog lovers....
Ya know in January when your little furry k9 friend leaves a nice lawn sausage for you to pick up cause it's cold you can chip it over the fence with a 9 iron in
july it's warm if you try that it's quite messy...... so try weed
whacking it by accident!
OMG--hilair! i think an old friend of mine lives on your street--she told me about some crazy baked potato who mows everything with his weed whacker--it must be you!! that's effin' HILAIR that i know about that all the way over here!!
you're a whacking legend.
But I am a whacking legend in my own mind!
I agree, you ARE hilarious Sean!!
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