I have to find a good aptitude test online
I want to be prepared for the call, to take my test for pipe fitting
A test that has adding,subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions
Some basic trigonometry and a few word problems
It's been 12+ years since I did fractions or a test for that matter
Good thing I learned all that useful stuff in school
I used it when in my everyday life?
Winter projects
Doing round three in the bathroom at the two two six
round three of painting that is
Step 1 - fix and patch all holes
Step 2 - paint Da Primer
step 2 - 1/2 Tape around shower and non paintable areas
Step 3 - paint Da Walls
Step 4- paint Da trim
Repeat steps 3+4
Step 5 - paint Da Door
Step 6- Clean up and move everything back in
Step 7 - Hope Ms Doodle is happy with the colours
I have another door I tried to sand for 2 hours on the weekend
a door for my porch, no luck getting the 3 layers+ of paint off
now it's in the backyard just screaming for a belt sander
That's a weekend project.
Till Then.........

1 comment:
the floaty lady's pretty cool
that'll be me
after the paint fumes take hold
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