Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Madness Fills My Heart And Soul As If The Great Divide Could Swallow Me Whole

Well good day all
I had an extend-a-weekend
unplanned but it worked out well

Couple of things
I know I said I would post some pics of the August vacation
There coming just like Christmas

Whiskey should only be drank in whiskey season
Clearly Sunday nights in September are not the season
You could ask Ralph or Mr 2 day hangover

The piggies are going to the chop shop this weekend
Every other weekend is booked and busy
not just for us but for Mr Choppy

Next weekend is moving weekend for my Mom
That should be interesting

where the Fuck did September Go?
Someone please...... be kind rewind!

It's time to put the roof back on the Jeep
tis dark til 8am and a little cool in the mornings

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