Had a fantastic weekend!
it came to a halt with the Monday alarms
Today friends of mine just took off to Vegas for a week
and the only thing that pisses me off about that
is the day they leave it's freakin cold out
I'm here freezing and there bubbling and tanning
In effort to combat this problem
I went and picked myself up a passport application
Since Im not really good at stuff like that
Ms doodle will help me fill it out i hope....
We were talking about Cuba which sounds fun
and cheap and fun and sunny!
yet to work out the details but maybe April is a good month
To go to Vegas would be cool to but we were
talking and a week there I think would be a bit much.
Since we don't really gamble and there's only so many things to walk around and see
Of course there is other things to do there
Grand canyon, Hoover dam,helicopter rides ect, ect
I can't remember the name of it but there is a highway
around there called Devil's canyon, devils highway something like that
anyhoo it has no speed limit and is supposed to be quite the road to experience
Anyone know what it's called?