Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jeep Volleyball

I have found that
there is alot of scammers on
kijji/ebay/craigs list
remember the post about the dishwasher
buyer who wanted all my bank info and stuff
I found a steal of a deal on a jeep
I contact the guy and it all sounds legit
then he tells me via email the jeep is in St Johns NB
It was listed in Winnipeg's kijji (red flag #1)
I email him back and based on his price
I would go to NB and pick it up
So I tell him I am interested, I have a ton of questions
and I would like his phone number instead of a bunch of back and forth emails
I ask for his phone #
He apparently just moved and does not have one(red flag#2)
Now I am looking for someone I know
or someone someone knows in NB to go see if he is
for really real
I don't think it is but it's worth a shot.
I really need a new vehicle or ms doodle
will kill me if the old jeep doesn't

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