Tuesday, May 12, 2009

With Nothing To Say, I'll Sing It Bright - That's Right!

Before I call you this morning, it is my sworn duty to let you know I have made you "Director of public relations" in the new union I have created. It is the "Union for waxers and wax museums". In the brotherhood, are the floor waxers, candle makers, wax sculpture professionals, car wax appliers, shiny head people and bikini wax appliers and makers. As the director you will be in charge of the media reports, collective bargaining, wax statistics( floor and sculpture) and of course the candle makers. We have a Brazilian applicant I think we should put in charge of the car wax people and the bikini wax. We will have a union meeting in the near future to discuss the position, and give you your shiny company car!
Thank you Sean
president "Uof WWM"

And she thinks I'm weird!

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