A quiet street downtown Seohyeon

Teri showing me all the good stuff to eat ! I can't remember the name, but it's a rice noodle in hot sauce ......delicious!

Watch for crabs in your fish broth! Halibut cooking in the fish broth on a stick!

A night view of Seohyeon, every street looks like this, ground to sky signage.

A day view of the same street!

The best spring rolls I ever had!

Notice the gas pumps are hanging, you can pull in anywhere and fill up! Genius idea!!

There doing some construction near my house, the sign they put up to let people know!
Freakin Hilarious!

Tonnes more pics to follow, just wanted to show ya'll a few shots of this bizzarre world!
I been here two days, I scored a job doing a morning kindergarden class from 10am-1pm everyday. I managed to get lost in the subway station trying to find my way back when there is 6 subway lines all going different directions you gotta pay attention...LOL
I found my train, made it to the bus station and said fuck this and walked about 40min home!
Hey there, glad you arrived safely and that everything is going good. Wow, you're teaching too! That's awesome... and kindergarten to boot. Pretty lucky kids, I'd say.. must be lots of fun... Be sure to post more pics and stuff, I'll check your blog every once in awhile... watch out for those crabs LOL... take care my friend!!!
rice noodle in hot suace = dok-bo-kee!
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