Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ipid Bummer

Lost my Ipod in a taxi last night, I'm sad my friend away from Ms D is gone
I guess it fell outta my shorts pocket onto the seat.
Had it before I got in and not when i got out!
I did not realize this had happened till I got in the house and of course cabbie was gone.
There is no way to track it because, one I'm in Korea and language barrier issues and two the phone #'s for the cabbies are all different but the cars are all grey and look the same!
My friend's boss put it on a lost and found Korean website for me but I doubt it'll come around
The bonus is there is a pass code to punch in before you can use it
There's a lesson for ya, don't put valuable items in pockets they can fall out of.
That was a $350 dollar lesson for me! I hope it get's returned because there $420 here and I won't be spending that! We do have a trip to China coming up maybe there cheaper than Korea?
Lesson learned folks, lesson learned! That's yet another reason I won't buy expensive sunglasses!


ALKAMOIA said...

Ahhh, that really sucks : (

Anonymous said...

sucks! Get yerself a lanyard!!

Green Kuebra said...

Hey Shawn!

Sounds like you are having a lot of fun in Korea! Great to read all of your blogs. I got your email from facebook. I do have a Skye account but I can't call Korea with it. I need to buy credits. Maybe try sending me a text message on Skye. My user name is Nameste1us. I will see if I can buy some Skye credits and give you a call sometime. I am so so happy you went to Korea!!!! Good for you. Enjoy!