Monday, July 6, 2009


You find all sorts of stuff in Korea, like floating coolers in the shape of a fishing bobber! You open it up put yer pops in and it floats along with you or your boat!
Then there is always SPAM singles!
For $1.50

The best of the very slim selection of beer here....the last three letters describe the taste best!

City Golf!

Hole #4 ...Par 3....35meters LOL

A random sign I can't read

Average size apartment buildings go for about $200k per unit!

A shitload of fish, two ducks and a swan..

Cool apartment building along the river walk

Lost as usual waiting to cross the street.

Cars coming out of Seoul, into the suburbs....8:30 at night

Same pic below only blurred and bright!

Canadians do it right no matter where we are on Canada Day!

A cow, a rat, a pile of poop, a piano flower bed and some balls.....I'm not really sure what this is about, but I'm open to suggestions!
This was taken after we set the fireworks off in the park that joins the suburbs of Sunae and Seohyeon or the "connector sector" as Ms D likes to call it!


Anonymous said...

"wow thats random" WTF keep on bloggin Goldshlagger, I need something to read at work. You get into the ocean yet???

Anonymous said...

The sculpture is random...

Alison said...

E i e i o?!!

Alison said...

Ummm, maybe the Cow and the Pig, were happy about the shit they took (the pile looks like poo),LOL, maybe?! The sculptures are quite random nevertheless, LOL!

Anyhoo, looks like you's are having fun!! So awesome, keep taking the pictures....Love ya/miss you, Al*