I read somewhere that this Wednesday is Steak and Blowjob day. I think they should make that a nationally recognized holiday. Imagine that (well I am ) every calender in Canada marked clearly March 21 ....."First day of spring and Steak and Blowjob day" WOW I would look forward to March every year for three reasons... St patty's day, spring and S+BJ day! For the vegetarians out there you could substitute the steak for tofu, soy or whatever it is you people eat. It would also help cheer some fuckin people up. As you know I work in a large workplace that employs about 480 people some have the winter blues and some no matter what day it is or what the weather is doing their always in a bad mood, grouchy or just plain anal. Maybe this day would help cheer em up!After a while we could just call it SBJ Day for short.
I did the Test the nation IQ test last night and If I did the calculations right my IQ was 96 I had a little help from the man who stopped in for a bit but it was mostly me because I'm awesome! Now I am going shopping for a steak.
96 = Average-ish Canadian IQ. You'd be a mental giant in Georgia or Arkansas, though!
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