Well Hello racefans! I know I have been slacking in the blogging department lately and I actually feel a little guilty when I don't come up with something to post. But really I have not gone out or done much exiting in the last week so what's left? Although Friday was a snow day so I took the day off blogging. I could blog about my couch or the cold weather but who the fuck wants to know about that? So what to write about?... and bam there it was, I'm at work reading the paper and the "top story" was the fact that our slowly dying poor excuse for a city only wants it's residence to put out 2 bags of garbage per household per week. I bet we pay the same amount tax dollars we did when they picked up 3 bags per household now That's fucked! Don't get me wrong I am all for recycling, reducing waste and saving the planet but I don't think that someone will try to fill 3 bags every week I'm just saying if you do end up with lots It is nice to be able to get rid of it. Let's just say it's fall time and you rake up 2 bags of leaves plus you 2 bags of trash = to many bags! It costs a minimum of $5 to go to the city dump and the recycle drop offs are locked tight on the weekends. I think it's safe to say the council that we have voted in is royally screwing up this town Don't even get me started about the skateboard park in the marina.... I think all ya'all should email the city council and tell them something dumb they have done in the last year!!
It should be easy !
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