So it appears as tho I have offended some with Fridays post. Well It was an alcohol fueled conversation that happened with a good friend of mine , it was only half serious anyhow we all have standards and morals.....No way am I going to start changing the way I am for some Anonymous commenter. You didn't leave your name ....why?... I would have apologised if I knew who was offended.I put it all out there for people to read. It was kinda meant to stir the pot tho, I have been trying to get people to comment on what they read, interact a little, put some feedback out there on a daily basis but no one really did .....Until Friday!
So with that being said I will continue to blog ideas, conversations good or bad.
Keep them comments coming......
GO Rangers GO!
The proper response when someone tells you that their hovercraft is full of eels is the following:
"I weeel not buy dees record, eet is scatched!"
"i can't fuck em if i don't like em, or am not attracted to em" "Why it beats jerkin off?" -I mean really, that makes you sound like a pig, I like to think i have a better impression of you than that Sean, it's tainted now... so there's my comment for that entry!
So I am on day one of two days off in a row and am bored already so I figured I'd try and see if this works for me this time as all I am doing is surfing anyway....yeah so mental note book mark this site as it seems to be of great entertainment value for anyone who knows you lol...way to go pissing ppl off!!! Oh yeah I want perogies. P.S. Sorry to tell you this but the Devils are going to win the cup.
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