Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just A Rant

Won a game of poker Saturday Night
Made me feel a bit smarter
In truth I guess it is luck
But hey that's why It's called gambling
Who's got the luck?
I can tell you this tho
I'm good cause Ms Doodle also gave my drunk ass a ride home
and I had money in da pocket.
I left several messages with some people
"poker Sat at the man's"
Kinda felt like a pest and still I got no response
So there will be no more of that
I actually broke my "I call three separate times" rule
of course the calls are spaced out over a few days/week
but It was disappointing that I could not get some of the old crowd
to come and play
PS- the rest of the rule is "if no response within the three calls
Your Out ."

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