Friday, April 27, 2007

Im A Sealer not A Whaler!

NO Guts No Glory:

So myself and a buddy who will remain nameless were watching hockey last night at my place havin a few bubbleys and the topic of chicks comes up......

He's like" I need to find a nice chick"

I say "OK good luck"

He says "what your tellin me Gold there is no nice chicks out there"

I say "Im sure there is but your too picky, which is OK but you also gotta go out and find em"

He says "Well I can't just fuck em if I don't like em, or I'm not attracted to em"

I say "Why it beats jerkin off " LOL

He says " i'm lookin for the total package, ya know physically and mentally"

I say " arne't we all? but it's ok to go whaling once in a while"

He says "true maybe I'll go whaling"

I say " just don't tell your friends"

He says" I don't know Gold"

I say " You could jerk off for the rest of your life ....It's like playing tennis to hit the ball against the wall by yourself , but more fun to play with someone from time to time"

He's says " ya gotta point man"

I say" don't listen to me I'm single, you do what you want but, I know what I'm doing......Ya want a beer?"

He says "yup"



Anonymous said...

WOW! you wonder why your single?? I don't, nice girls don't like assholes!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! Yikes, you might piss alot of ppl off with that I personally find it funny. here is my point of view on the matter. If you go looking for the "real deal" your never gunna find it. its just something that happens out of no where. So in the mean time, why not have a little fun. Every one needs a piece of ass every now and

Anonymous said...

obviously Jill has a crush, no other girl would think that's cool otherwise!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

hmmm I do have standards you know! sayin good ol sex with no attachment is great once and a while. hahaha

The Man said...

See what I started! LOL

Anonymous said...

I blame your heroic consumption of alcohol for making posting this seem like a good idea.

Now your hovercraft is definitely full of eels.