Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Get In Shut Up And Hang ON!

Not much else going on other then the following random thoughts:

*need to pull $114 outa my ass and finish painting the trim soon like real soon

*need to give the liver a break from all the beer.....thanks from the liver in advance!

*Disposable razors suck real bad three swipes and it's all clogged up. Cheaper is better my ass!

*Might be quitting my gravy job soon ......they want to move me to the food and beverage department If that happens .....bon voyage!! They got great supervisors over there so great if I owned a Popsicle stand I would not let em run it!

*Went for $5 wings on Monday night to a different spot not my usual watering hole , the waitress is hot, the wings are hot so me being me says thank you in french .......she answers in french now I'm nervous cause my french is not so good so I duck, drink and run.

*was thinking about a creative writing class to take just for fun....anyone want to join me?

* I am looking forward to September for a few reasons.......Hiking, bbqing , Matthew good in concert I think it's gonna be a good month

*Often I worry about my house when I'm at work It's the hermit in me kickin in or the neighbourhood

* I want to move to or at least retire in rural Thunder Bay

*I can give good sound advise to anyone but

*I try to be the best wingman I can for my buddys but when I need one....nobody's around ......wanna go to the Hodder tonight?

* Anyone buy a tshirt yet? check the link it!

That's all for today.....I know it's lame but Do you believe they actually want me to do work while Im here at work ....bastards!


Anonymous said...

You heard any moe about moving to F and B or is this a thought stuck from the original plan?

Also Marvin is getting Bruce's old office now. He is proving that if you fuck up enough you can eventually be the CEO of this company. lol

Anonymous said...

F & B ??? wtf.... and what's this your outta here??? when did all this happen... fuck off for a week on vacation, and the world f'in flips over ....